What is the difference between being an Authorized WindowCandles Dealer or an Authorized WindowCandles Contractor?
Authorized Dealers are companies who plan on selling, installing and promoting WindowCandles to anyone who wants them. This company is usually a low-voltage wiring company such as alarm installers, audio installers, structured wiring, or intercom installation companies. This company will install window candles even if this is the only work to be done in the home or business. Some of the additional advantages
- Discounted pricing on all of our products (Up to 50%!)
- Leads provided by WindowCandles and your local distributor
- Your company profile on our Website and a link to your Website
- Custom printed literature, brochures, etc.
- Co-Op advertising and trade show programs
- Factory one-on-one sales and installation training
Authorized Contractors are usually electrical contractors who want the best possible pricing on the window candles, but do not want to install window candles in homes in which they are not doing the 110-volt AC work. This company also has no interest in sales leads, custom literature or trade show items. WindowCandles Authorized Contractors receive the same pricing as Dealers.